Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Pray without Ceasing

Prayer List:

HEALINGS: Check out the Praise Reports:

Ashley Guidry - in premature labor
Ms Mary Scott - healing from cancer
Mrs. Earles Daughter - Susan - tumor - Doctors said its not a tumor, kidney tubes were blocked-did surgery and doing Great! Praise God!
Tyler Jackson- healing from brain tumor
Buddy Suire - healing from cancer ----- has 7 more Chemos!
Eric Mahaffey- healing from cancer ----- is Home from St. Judes!
Jessi G- healing from endo metriosis
Ms Annette Thompson - healing from illness --- home & a little better!
Henrietta -illness
Brenda is ill -------------doing better -Got A Job!
Pauline -healing
Mr. Hanks' - grandbaby is ill-praying for a healing!
Rudy - deliverance from anger problems.

Spiritual Guidance and Salvation :
Ms Carole --father passed away--praying for peacea and comfort.
E.J. & his Wife - prayed for salvation - recieved the Lord as their Savior!
Melissa East - Spiritual Guidance
Henrietta - Neighbors being Cruel to her ---------Neighbors are Moving!
David & Amy - Moved to New Mexico & New Baby!
Micheal & Melanie - Moved to Arkansas
Craig & Tammy - Moved to China.
Parents of Our Church Family.

Financial Blessings:

S & A Thibodeau
H. Higginbotham
A & D Smith
C. Smith
T. Babineau

Soldiers in Iraq -- Pray for Protection:

Robert Kaufman
Ronnie Moss ---------- is Coming Home In July!
Josh Holton
Micheal Clutter


Our Pastor & Wife and Family - Protection & Provision
PABC Vision for a new building - Provision of funds and direction of ministries.
Outreach Ministries - Organized and Effective
Bible Study Teachers Praise God-----------One new Teacher!
Our Youth Group
Children's Minstry
Day Camp - JULY
Student Life Trip - July